LITH WINTER/SPRING 2025 GUIDE - Catalog - Page 34
Indian Trail & Butch Hagele Beaches
Woods Creek Lake has two sand beaches to choose from:
Butch Hagele Beach at 71 Hilltop Drive
Indian Trail Beach at 228 Indian Trail
Beach access is limited to residents of the Village of Lake in the Hills and their guests. Non-residents can only access the
beaches when accompanied by a resident of the Village of Lake in the Hills as their guest. Non-lifeguard staff will be present
to ensure compliance with beach regulations.
The shelter at Indian Trail Beach is the perfect place to host your next reunion, birthday party, or company picnic.
Amenities include 6 picnic tables, swimming, and volleyball. Alcohol is prohibited. Beach is open to the public during
rental. Reservations accepted starting on the first Monday in February of each calendar year.
you are fishing or ice fishing on the lakes in Lake in the Hills, you must first obtain a fishing permit from the Village.
Permits may be purchased at Village Hall during business hours. Daily fishing permits are available online at Annual permit sales begin May 1st each
year and are valid through April 30th of the following year.
Daily Fishing Permit: $15 Residents and Non-residents (per person)
Annual Fishing Permit Fees
Resident (per household): $40
Resident Seniors (55+): $30
Non-resident : $60
Boat Use permits are required if you are planning to do any boating activities. Permits are issued at Village Hall.
Applications for annual boat use permit require proof of residency and current IDNR boat registration. In order to protect
the lakes, it shall be unlawful to operate a motorized boat or vehicle on the lake, with the exception of an electric trolling
motor being used for the purpose of propelling a fishing boat.
Boat Use Permit Fees
Resident Annual Boat Use Permit, Per Boat: $10
Resident Seniors (55+) Annual Boat Use Permit, Per Boat: $7
Non-resident Daily Boat Use Permit: $15
The Village has 2 Boat Storage Slip areas on Woods Creek Lake where
residents can rent a Boat Storage Slip close to the boat launch sites.
Nockels Park (149 Hilltop Dr.) and Turtle Island (290 Indian Trail) .
Boat Storage Slip Fees
Residents: $20
Resident Seniors (55+): $15
Current slip renters will have the option to renew their annual Boat
Storage Slip in mid-April each year. The first Monday in May at Village
Hall, any available slips will be available on a first-come, first-served
basis in person ONLY.